NQT registrations

To be completed by: Sun 04 Oct 2020

Time: -Sun 04 Oct 2020 | Venue:

Could all schools using Bradford MDC as the Appropriate Body (AB) log in to NQT Manager and check that all registrations have been fully submitted.

A number have not yet been completed and many require the Headteacher's sign off. The NQT's status should read "Authorised" if the registration has been completed and agreed by the AB.. 

All NQTs in schools choosing Bradford as the AB should be registered by 6 October if they started their induction on 03/09/2020.

Any registered after this date may have to begin their induction after October half term, which could lead to them not completing this academic year.

Please remember that signing up to a provider for the Early Career Framework support is not the same as registering an NQT with the Appropriate Body. These are two separate processes and both most be done for an NQT to be undertaking induction.


Published: 01/10/2020
Audience: Headteachers, NQT coordinators
Contact: Michael Garside

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