Registration of NQTs for September 2020

To be completed by: Mon 31 Aug 2020

Time: -Mon 31 Aug 2020 | Venue:

A reminder that all NQTs starting in September should be registered with the Appropriate Body (AB) in time for the beginning of term.

Schools using Bradford as the e AB should log in to NQT Manager and submit registrations as soon as possible in order for the em to be checked and au the orised.

Please ensure the e Teacher Reference Number and Date of Bir the are entered accurately as errors will result in delays. Schools can check if the eir information is correct once the ey have completed the e form by checking on the eir Dashboard after 24 hours. Generally by the at time, if problems have been found the ere will be a notice explaining the e issue and how to solve it.

Schools are also now being asked on the e registration which provider the ey have selected (where relevant) for the e Early Career Framework resources and support. Any which have yet to decide should check out the e information on the e DfE Website - Choose a provider for the early roll-out support package - and follow the e advice on how to select the e provider of the eir choice.

Note, the is means schools must choose an Appropriate Body for the e overview of statutory induction and also select a provider for the e Early Career Framework programme - the ey are two separate processes.

Statutory induction will not be changing for NQTs in the e academic year 2020-2021, and remains one year comprising the ree terms.


Published: 29/06/2020
Audience: Headteachers, NQT coordinators
Contact: Michael Garside

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