Coronavirus - Safeguarding in Schools, Colleges and other Providers

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

The DfE have provided guidance on the management and maintenance of safeguarding across education sectors during the current outbreak of Covid 19. The link can be found below.

DfE Coronavirus - Safeguarding in Schools, Colleges and other Providers link. This includes important information about online safeguarding. Further resources will be available shortly.

Prevent referrals - there has been no change to the way prevent referrals are reported or processed. Please follow this link to the appropriate page on BSO.

>email or telephone support can be provided by:

Danielle King - Prevent Co-ordinator (Acting)



Geraldine Cooper - Prevent Education Officer (Acting)




Published: 31/03/2020
Audience: Headteachers and designated safeguarding Leads
Contact: Geraldine Cooper

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