'Children Looked After' - Autumn Term Attainment Data

To be completed by: Fri 20 Dec 2019

Time: -Fri 20 Dec 2019 | Venue:

A big thank you to everyone who has entered the Autumn term attainment data for this academic year for 'Children Looked After'. Please can we remind those of you who have not submitted this data on BSO that it is due and to do so at your earliest convenience.

It is a statutory requirement that we collect this and present it to the Council.

Please log onto BSO, click on 'utilities' and then 'termly attainment'. You will see a list of the Bradford Children Looked After at your school.  If you would like to query this, please get in touch.

Select ‘manage termly data’ for each pupil. Please submit all data and complete all drop down menus. You will need to scroll down to find the correct information. The number relates to the year group and the letter relates to e=emerging, d=developing and s=secure. For example 2e= year 2 emerging.

For those in the early years please use the month ranges for the Autumn term. Please do not forget to complete the ‘on track’ box. There is a yes or no option.

On track means for that pupil, not ARE. Please choose a year group which is most appropriate for your pupil for example year 5 emerging may be appropriate if the pupil is in year 6. Secondary colleagues, please use the descriptors which best fit your school. Special school colleagues, if there is not the option to select the level the child is working at, please email the information to joanne.henry@bradford.gov.uk.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact Joanne Henry on 01274 435860 or joanne.henry@bradford.gov.uk. Thank you for your support.


Published: 09/12/2019
Audience: Designated Teachers of ''Children Looked After'
Contact: Joanne Henry

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