NQT registrations

To be completed by: Fri 18 Oct 2019

Time: -Fri 18 Oct 2019 | Venue:

It is urgent that all schools which wish to use Bradford as the Appropriate Body for NQT Induction ensure they have fully registered their NQTs by Friday 18 October in order for their induction to have commenced this term.

Any later than this date and their start date will be registered after half term which could lead to a delay in their end date into Autumn 2020.

This will only be amended in exceptional circumstances.

In order to comply with the Statutory Guidance for NQT induction NQTs should be registered in advance of their induction starting. This year, an increasing number of schools are registering their NQTs late which is causing problems when errors and issues with their QTS are being discovered.

If you have yet to register your NQTs with Bradford please do so at the earliest opportunity on NQT Manager (ensuring that the Headteacher has also signed off the form), or contact Michael Garside to discuss any problems.


Published: 10/10/2019
Audience: Headteachers, NQT coordinators, NQT mentors
Contact: Michael Garside

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