First Aid - CitizenAID (RQF)

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

Would you know how to react in the event of a terrorist attack?

The QA Level 2 Award in citizenAID (RQF) has been specifically developed to help members of the public learn life-saving skills for use in these extreme situations. Based on the citizenAID phone App and pocket guide, this regulated qualification is designed to teach people how to react safely, prioritise the injured and give first aid to victims in the event of a deliberate multiple casualty incident.

Whenever there is a shooting, stabbing or bomb explosion, the initial priority is understandably to ensure public safety, which can unfortunately cause delays to the emergency services being able to reach
the injured.

Dates: Friday 01/11/2019

Times: 09:00am - 13:00pm.

Venue: Bradford, City Hall, L & D Hub (3rd Floor)

Cost: £81.50

Click here for more information: 


Published: 13/09/2019
Audience: All Staff.
Contact: Evolve

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