COURSE-EDPHY-SEND Funding and Finance for Business Managers 09.12.19

To be completed by: Thu 29 Aug 2019

Time: -Thu 29 Aug 2019 | Venue:

Educational Psychology, SEND Funding and Finance for Business Managers, SENCO Management. Course delivered by the Educational Psychology Team.

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Educational Psychology


SEND Funding and Finance for Business Managers

SENCO Management

Description of Training

Notional SEN funding and Element 3 top up funding now forms a significant share of schools' overall budgets.


This course will support Business Mangers and School Leaders to understand the legal requirements and expectations relating to this funding and how best to manage these.

Suitable For

SENCO/ Inclusion Manager

Dates, Times and Venue

09.12.19 – 09.00am-12.00pm – Margaret McMillan Tower





Published: 28/08/2019
Audience: SENCO/ Inclusion Manager
Contact: Heather Varo

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