Educational Psychology-An Introduction to Emotion Coaching 07.11.2019

To be completed by: Wed 28 Aug 2019

Time: -Wed 28 Aug 2019 | Venue:

COURSE - Educational Psychology-An Introduction to Emotion Coaching. course is delivered by the Educational Psychology Team

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Educational Psychology



An Introduction to Emotion Coaching

Intervention to Improve Outcomes

Description of Training

Emotion Coaching is a universal, whole-school technique and approach that uses moments of heightened emotion and resulting behaviour to guide and teach children about the different emotions they experience, why they occur and how to handle them (Gottman, 1996, 1997). It is based on the principle that nurturing and emotionally supportive relationships provide optimal contexts for the promotion of children’s outcomes and resilience. Research (e.g. Rose, McGuire-Snieckus and Gilbert, 2015) has shown that Emotion Coaching helps:

• Children to regulate, improve and take ownership of their behaviour
• Children to calm down and better understand emotions
• Practitioners to be more sensitive to children’s needs
• Create more consistent responses to children’s behaviour
• Practitioners to feel more ‘in control’ during incidents
• Promote positive relationships.

In introducing practitioners to Emotion Coaching this course will cover the following topics:

• The development of emotional competence/emotional intelligence
• The different ways that emotions can be responded to
• Meta-emotion (the attitudes and beliefs a person holds about emotions and their expression)
• The empirical basis of emotion coaching
• How to emotion coach in practice

Refreshments provided mid-morning

Suitable For

SENCO / Inclusion Manager

Dates, Times and Venue

07.11.2019 09.00am – 12.00pm - Margaret McMillan Tower




Published: 27/08/2019
Audience: SENCO / Inclusion Manager
Contact: Heather Varo

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