Born in Bradford - Healthy & Happy Children/Have your say survey

To be completed by: Wed 31 Jul 2019

Time: -Wed 31 Jul 2019 | Venue:

Born in Bradford is asking the communities of Bradford District on children's health and happiness and what we should prioritise for future health research in relation to this. Your views matter so please take part.

We would really appreciate it if you could spare some time and take part in the survey.  All opinions will be given equal priorities, so whatever you think is important to children's health and happiness is important for us to know. Once the questionnaires have been themed, a further community consultation will take place  where the community will be asked to jointly decide research priorities for the future.

Please access the survey on:


Thank you



Published: 28/06/2019
Audience: Young People, Professionals working with young and parents/carers
Contact: Aamnah Rahman

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