Born in Bradford - Healthy & Happy Children/Have your say survey

To be completed by: Fri 05 Jul 2019

Time: -Fri 05 Jul 2019 | Venue:

We want to hear from you about your views on what makes children healthy and happy. This is the first phase of our community consultation, we will collate all the themes and then re-consult with the community to make joint decisions on research priorities for the future.

It is really important for us to hear your views and opinions on what you think makes children healthy and happy.  It only takes about ten minutes to complete the questionniare and your participation is greatly appreciated.  We hope to collate the main themes and then host a community consultation later this year to ask people to help us decide what we should focus on for the future.  All responses will be given equal consideration, just have your say and let us know what you think.  The survey can be accessed on the following links:


Any issues in accessing links or if you have any querries please contact me.


Thank you.


Published: 10/06/2019
Audience: Young People, Parents, Carers, General Public, Teachers, Social Workers, Health Professionals, Youth
Contact: Aamnah Rahman

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