To be completed by: Thu 14 Feb 2019

Time: -Thu 14 Feb 2019 | Venue:

Delegates will recognise the impact of whole school culture on pupil behaviour and learn a range of effective strategies to implement in their own school setting.

This course takes an in-depth look at evidence and theory underpinning effective behaviour management in schools and the recommendations from the Tom Bennett report “Creating a Culture”. Delegates will recognise the impact of whole school culture on pupil behaviour and learn a range of effective strategies to implement in their own school setting. The content includes theory and pedagogy, how this is applied in a mainstream primary setting, and a tour of the school to observe consistent policies. In addition, senior leaders will observe in KS1 and KS2 classrooms to find out which strategies are being used and how this impacts on pupil behaviour.



  • Venue: Swain House Primary School, Radcliffe Avenue, Bradford BD2 1JL

  • Date: Wednesday 27th February 2019, 8.15am—12pm

  • Suitable for: SLT, SENCOs.

  • Cost: £100 per delegate

only 4 places remaining 


For more details or to book a place on any of our courses, please ring the Shanidar TSA office on 01274 779662 (ext. 199) or email


Published: 14/02/2019
Audience: SLT, SENCOs
Contact: Hina Hanif

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