To be completed by: Mon 28 Jan 2019

Time: -Mon 28 Jan 2019 | Venue:

FREE FUNDED CLPD FOR BME LEADERS. This programme has been developed to tackle equality and diversity challenges and is for BME leaders aspiring to their next stage promoted leadership roles.

Participants will learn from each other and develop their effectiveness as leaders on a programme where they are in the majority. It explores the challenges and refines the existing tools of school leadership and school improvement to address issues of inequality. The programme also offers the opportunity for BME aspiring leaders to network, work collaboratively and receive peer support, guided by an outstanding regional team of Black leaders who are cognisant of the barriers to promotion that exist for BME professionals.   Flyer attached here


Published: 14/01/2019
Audience: For the attention of Primary and Secondary Headteachers
Contact: School Improvement

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