Skills 4 Bradford Exposition & Information Workshops Autumn 2023

To be completed by: 16:00

Time: Tue 19 Sep 2023 12:00-16:00 | Venue: Life Centre, Wapping Road BD3 0EQ

FREE SESSION - A chance to meet representatives of services both traded and free who support schools and other organisations on a range of subjects. There will also be the opportunity to attend short information workshops from different teams including

Attendance, Careers Guidance, Education Safeguarding, Data, Governor Service, Interfaith, Outdoor Education Service, PACT HR, Skills for Work and Xperience among others.

The FREE short workshops will provide an update on latest guidance/regulations and hints and tips on best practice to help your organisation and will include: -

“Building Maintenance & Compliance”
“Exclusions – The Governors’ Role”
“The role of the Careers Adviser in schools and colleges”
“Work Experience – The School Journey and Safeguarding Responsibilities”
“Faith awareness in schools”
“Dance as part of the curriculum”
“Multiply Maths Courses Taster and CPD for your staff, parents and guardians”

There will also be an opportunity to speak tp representatives from each team to find out more about the services offered by that team. 

To book visit the skills4bradford website using this link and, if you have a login, you will be automatically taken to the booking page 


Published: 06/09/2023
Audience: Headteachers, Senior Leaders and Governors
Contact: Adele Rowley

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