To be completed by: Fri 26 Apr 2019

Time: -Fri 26 Apr 2019 | Venue:

Real Safeguarding Stories is a successful partnership between Collingwood Learning and Bradford Council who’s training resources are now used in many sectors from universities, the NHS and police training through to many councils and communities across the UK and abroad.

Real Safeguarding Stories is a free video resource for safeguarding professionals and the wider community where survivors’ real stories are told (by actors), to help others better? understand ?the reality of what people experience, so that we can work together to tackle abuse in society.?


Real Safeguarding Stories has now developed a “Go Live” option where we can maximise the impact of Real Safeguarding Stories at your conference or training event. Actors deliver stories live at your event and interact with the audience in a range of facilitated activities.


Real Safeguarding Stories received a grant from the Police and Crime and Commissioner’s Safer Community Fund in March to develop further training resources. Teenage mental health, along with Cyber bullying, Hate Crime on Public Transport, County Lines and Human Trafficking, Road Safety and Young Drivers have been chosen for the topic of a new video resources.


We are hoping that you may be able to partner with us to develop this resource and possibly use experiences that your students may wish to share.


If you would like to learn more or have a story to share with us, please contact Chris Simes at Collingwood Learning, Chris Farquhar at Bradford MDC.


To keep this amazing project sustainable and free to use, please use and share the free video resources. Real Safeguarding Stories can be found on our website and on our YouTube channel.


Published: 29/03/2019
Audience: Head teachers, teachers, safeguarding officers, students etc
Contact: Lee AnneSagar

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