Leading Learning

To be completed by: Thu 07 Feb 2019

Time: -Thu 07 Feb 2019 | Venue:

The course provides the opportunity to look at the evidence in detail, consider case studies of different CPD models and refine your thinking alongside other CPD leads.


Over the course of three days, we will focus on the following:

  • the education evidence base and how to use it – the EEF Teaching and Learning Toolkit, how to evaluate educational products, where to find accessible research for busy teachers.
  • what the evidence suggests are the most promising strategies for your school priorities – you come with your question and we will gather evidence to inform your thinking and planning.
  • review your CPD to ensure that it has maximum impact on teaching and leadership – we will look at different models of CPD including different coaching forms, lesson study, enquiry groups and deliberate practice.

The programme costs £295 total for three days and will be held at Dixons Cottingley Academy. Schools can send additional delegates for £75 each. 

Monday 4th March; Thursday 4th April; Thursday 20th June


Published: 07/02/2019
Audience: Current and aspiring school leaders at Primary and Secondary.
Contact: Bradford Research School

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