How school leaders can optimise behaviour (Secondary)

To be completed by: Wed 09 Jan 2019

Time: -Wed 09 Jan 2019 | Venue:

Delegates will recognise the impact of whole school culture on student behaviour and learn a range of effective strategies to implement in their own school setting.

This course takes an in-depth look at evidence and theory underpinning effective behaviour management in schools and the recommendations from the Tom Bennett report “Creating a Culture”. Delegates will recognise the impact of whole school culture on student behaviour and learn a range of effective strategies to implement in their own school setting. The content includes theory and pedagogy and how this is applied in a secondary pupil referral unit setting. In addition, senior leaders will observe in all 4 classrooms and break-out areas to find out which restorative strategies are being used and how this impacts on improved student self-regulation.


Date and Time: Thursday 24th January 2019, 9am—12pm

Venue: Bradford Central PRU, Baker Street, Saltaire, Bradford BD18 3JE

Cost: £100


To book a place contact Hina Hanif on 01274 779662 ext. 199 or email


Published: 09/01/2019
Audience: This course is suitable for SLT, SENCOs
Contact: Hina Hanif

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